Together, to a better future
KONTROLMATIK believes in the sustainable development of local communities and the necessity of global cooperation for a world that can be inherited.
We seek opportunities and are in constant discussion with international organizations and platforms, working groups, universities and leading NGOs on how to improve the well-being of communities, protect the health of ecosystems and biodiversity.
We became a member of the UN Global Compact (UNGC) Turkey in April 2022, and we have been included in the "Environment, "Gender Equality", "Diversity and Inclusion", "Sustainable Finance" working groups in order to fulfill our environmental and social commitments.
We became a member of the 'Circular Economy Platform of Turkey'. We adopt a circular waste management approach institutionally and are already collaborating with leading specialist companies and universities in the disposal, reuse & recycling projects of our waste from our LiFePO4 (LFP) battery production factory. We aim to conserve natural resources, add economic value to reused components, minimize negative environmental impacts and improve the circular economy.
TAP (Portable Battery Manufacturers and Importers) ASSOCIATION
In order to know our legal obligations during the import of raw materials before our LiFePO4 (LFP) battery production, and to fulfill all our obligations during the disposal of our battery wastes that will arise during production, and to be able to recycle within the framework of legal compliance, we have started our membership with the 'Battery Manufacturers and Importers Association of Turkey'.
Partnerships Projects

We have become a member of the 'Sustainability Academy' as of 2022 and we continue our efforts to take an active part in various platforms of the academy.
At the 'Green Business Summit', Turkey's largest Sustainability Summit, organized by the academy in the first quarter of the year, we shared which sustainable actions we contribute towards «decarbonization» by transforming our goals.
We support the Gender Equality Principle at Work, in line with our sustainability goals and our commitment to Turkey as part of the UN Global Compact (UNGC).
Considering that today the female workforce is more than half of the global workforce, a waste of the female workforce means a lack of sustainable communication and major workforce loss. We are against any kind of waste.
We believe in the effective role of women's power in Business. We believe in the positive power of the women's workforce and its influence on sustainable employment, healthy economic growth, decrease in poverty and increase in social welfare and education. We support women employees, especially at the management and senior management levels.
With the 'Women-Friendly Brands' platform, we are working to increase the visibility of women in Business and the power of our young female engineers as of 2022, and also to provide jobs to our women living in the geographies where we do business, and to make them partners in our workforce.
You can reach our interview where we talked about the importance of Women's Power at Work in our industry.
As much as we care about supporting women's workforce and their visibility in business life, we also care about the existence and welfare of women in society. We have started cooperation with the Mor Çatı Association for our company's female employees, and we will also support the effectiveness and happiness of women in society on the occasion of our employees' birthdays.